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APad User Guide v 2.2.1


APad is an Android app to be used as a judging keypad with DiveRecorder


System requirements


APad will only run on Android devices using an ARMv7 processor supporting NEON. Fortunately this covers over 90% of the mobiles and tablets sold since 2012.


This version of APad should run on Android versions 6 to 13.  


However, some low cost tablets may not meet all of the above requirements, so if you are planning to purchase a set of devices, you should make sure they will be suitable before you buy.


If you need a version supporting Android 4.0 to 4.3, you can find it on the DiveRecorder website but in order to install it you will have to configure your device to 'install unknown apps'.




The latest APad.apk file can be downloaded and installed from Google Play.


Normally any new version can be installed on top of a previous version without losing your settings.


However, if such an upgrade fails with a message about a different signature you should uninstall the previous version completely, then install the latest version.  In this case your data will be deleted and you will have to re-enter it after the upgrade.