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Before Event Starts


When a judge receives an APad before the start of an event, it must have been configured correctly with the judge number and channel number. However, it may not yet be showing the name and dive number of the first diver. This is normal.


The diver's name and dive will only be displayed after the DiveRecorder operator starts to run the event and activates the APads. This should have been done by the time that any scoreboard displays the information and/or the dive has been announced.


Before a Dive


The name and dive number are displayed as shown below (note that any language supported by the device may be used):




At the foot of the screen the diver's start number and the total number of divers plus the equivalent information about the rounds is displayed as an event progress indicator as shown below:




Entry of Award


Awards are entered in the same way as with JPads:


Tap on a number key once to select that whole number award

Tap the same number key again to toggle a ½ point

Tap on a different number key to change to the new whole number award .. and again to toggle a ½ point

The selected award is shown just above the keypad as shown below:




Send Award


Once satisfied with the award, just tap the Send button. This should hide the number pad, disable the Send button and display a confirmation message from DiveRecorder as shown below.




But if nothing has happened after a few seconds the award may not have been sent or may not been received so just tap the Send button again (but do allow a second or two).


Once all the awards have been received by DiveRecorder, the APad will display all the awards as required by FINA and shown below:




Then the event will continue with the next diver...


In the unlikely event that a warning or error message box is shown at any time, you must tap the OK button in order to continue.