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APad does not update


If an APad does not update to show the next dive it may be because it missed the update message. In this case the judge may ask DiveRecorder to re-send it by tapping on the Refresh icon Refresh_icon otherwise an award can not be entered. This should not happen often, but if it does, please let me know.  


Should the re-send fail after all the above actions there must be a communications failure and in this case the judge will have to use their flash card until their device is replaced or the problem is otherwise resolved.


APad disappears from view


If the app vanishes it has probably been sent to the background, possibly by an accidental tap on one of the icons at the foot of the display. Bring it back to the foreground as follows:


Tap the 'recent apps' icon (below: third icon from left)

Tap on the small APad image to restore the app. It should be 'up to date' but if not showing correct dive, tap on the Refresh icon - Refresh_icon


If the APad is not shown in the recent apps list:

Tap on the 'home page' icon (below: second icon from left)

Tap on the APad icon - APad_32x32

Tap on the green Refresh icon Refresh_icon


(Note: The following icons are from Android v 4.4 and may vary in appearance in other versions)

