Wifi Advice

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Wifi Advice

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At a public venue there is likely to be at least one public wifi channel but maybe more. To have a reliable wifi link for the APads, a separate and secure Wifi Access Point will have to be set up for the event LAN. That WAP should be secure and preferably use MAC address filtering to control the devices allowed to connect.


If you use a dedicated set of Android devices as APads it should be fairly easy to manage such a WAP, but if you use the judges' personal Android devices you run the risk of those devices connecting to the event LAN for internet access when not being used for judging .. and this will only get worse at successive Meets unless you manage that by changing the login details and carefully managing the MAC address database.


If your APads are Wireless N capable you should configure the WAP to use 'Wireless N only'.


Also, personal devices may be checking the Internet for emails, messages, updates, etc. All of these functions may degrade the APad performance.


You must take these factors into account in deciding what devices to use as APads and under what conditions you allow them to connect.